- The huge Heat value available in the flare gas which will replace the systems installation in very short time.
- The total amount come around 80,000 Barrels of oil per annum can be recovered from the flare world wide.
- For the past few decades Environmental guidelines are become more stringent to the refineries world wide.
- The energy conservation becoming very important worldwide as the available Oil and Gas Energy available resources are not enough to fulfill the world energy requirement
- Particularly in India , the Oil and Gas available resources are very low and the available energy sources in the form of Oil and Gas to be used very efficiently
- There are more than 400 Flare recovery systems installed world wide recovering more than 200,000 SCMHR of valuable Hydro carbon gases . Through reliability, flexibility and rugged design.
Reduced facility emissions
As facilities are required to control their total emissions, flare gas recovery and re-use becomes a viable option to reduce emissions. Emissions credits can be used elsewhere in the facility, sold, or used to avoid purchasing additional credits.
Improved public relations
Flare gas recovery unit reduces flare operation to a minimum for a substantial reduction of visible flames, noise or odors. In addition, taking steps to reduce the environmental impact of your flare systems can result in substantial tangible and intangible benefits.
Reduced purchase gas requirements and/or increased salable gas
Normal operation at refineries generates a flare gas with substantial heating value. FGR system recovers the flare gas for use as fuel, feedstock, or product. In most situations, the value of the recovered product is more than the cost to recover it, and some very dramatic paybacks are achieved when volatile energy prices trend upward.
Zero impact on safety relief system
When properly executed, flare gas recovery can be seamlessly integrated into existing flare systems without compromising performance or safety.
Extended flare-tip life
Flare tips are exposed to extreme conditions, and therefore, have a limited lifespan. Life of a flare tip is related to the amount of usage, so a reduction in flare operation may extend the flare-tip life for years.
Reduced steam consumption
Steam is frequently used to suppress smoke in flares. Recovering flare gas reduces the amount of flare gas for combustion and thus reduces the steam usage. A reduction in steam utility usually has an associated, measurable financial benefit.