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News / Events
2007 Laksel EPS technologies Pte Ltd incorporated in Singapore as a EPS (Engineered Process System) package supplier for refinery, petrochemical and Oil & Gas (onshore/offshore) industries.
2007 Signed agreement with NSB Gas processing AG for the system integration of liquid ring vacuum pump and compressor packages
2008 Successful completion of crude oil separator packages supply to Africa for the capacity of 240000BPLD for PDOC.
2008 Obtained ISO 14001, 9001 & OSHA 18001.
2008 Laksel obtained the status of Major Exporter Scheme
2009 Laksel emerged as EPCC contractor in the field of petrochemical and effluent treatment plant.
2009 Laksel became active member of ASPRI & Singapore Business Federation
2010 Secured major contracts with SHELL Singapore and Malaysia for their critical refinery application.
2010 Awarded with BIZsafe certification.
2011 Laksel received SICCI-DBS best entrepreneur award for the year 2011.
2012 Laksel awarded as the leading 1000 SME by DP Information Berau.
2012 Laksel awarded for Industrial plot from JTC for the construction of new fabrication facility.
2013 Successful completion of Drier Liquid ring vacuum pump package for Shell Eastern Petroleum Pte Limited - Pulau Bukom, Singapore &  Shell Refining Company (Federation of Malaya) Berhad - Port Dickson, Malaysia.

2014 Our sales director  Mr L.Raghu's  meeting with  the Honarable  Minister of petroleum from Sudan Mr .Hatim Abduelgasim Mukhtar M. Elamin  , for the new oil&Gas exploration projects and the technology tie-up with the government of Sudan on the energy conservation by implementing Laksel 's Flare gas recovery systems and other in house oil&gas technology system